Supply chain traceability & transparency are provided thanks by the OEKO-TEX® Label Check
Compliance with global regulations, including the EU REACH directive, CPSIAand the ECHA-SVHC candidate list
Network of over 35,000 certified companies around the world for easier sourcing of chemicals, materials and business partners along the textile chain
Featured on ITC standard maps and Siegelklarheit
Recognized by Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly
Traceability ensured thanks to the unique product ID or QR code in the OEKO-TEX® Label Check
MADE IN GREEN compliments ESG strategies and shows commitment to sustainability goals
Are you looking for certified partners or want to check which brands already have OEKO-TEX® labelled products? The OEKO-TEX® Buying Guide is an online directory for certified products, manufacturers and brands. Use this network of brands and suppliers along the textile and leather chain to find certified articles or to make new business contacts!
Would you like to get an OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN label? Are you interested in detailed information regarding the labelling process and the requirements? Visit our download area to discover the full documentation or apply for MADE IN GREEN.
This is your path to certification
Track the path of your MADE IN GREEN labelled products using the unique product ID or QR code. Scan the QR code or enter the product ID in the OEKO-TEX® Label Check. Find out in which production facilities and in which country your textile or leather article was produced.
Don't have a product ID in hand? No problem!