Use our Label Check tool by entering the label number to verify certification validity. If a product is advertised as certified, the packaging or the product itself should feature the label with the unique product ID. If not, please provide us with a link to the product for further investigation.
Please ensure that you enter the label number with case-sensitive characters, special characters, and blank spaces. Do not include the name of the testing institute. If you're unable to find a result despite entering correct information, please reach out to us for assistance.
Yes, certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, SA8000, or OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 that support sustainability efforts within your company are recognized for STeP certification. Refer to Annex 8 of the STeP Standard for more information.
No, audits for OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 and LEATHER STANDARD are conducted as part of the STeP audits framework.
The full test program of the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 is carried out to ensure product safety. In addition, tests for GMOs and pesticides are carried out to ensure organic farming. OEKO-TEX® has developed a new quantitative GMO test, which allows to differentiate contamination from mixing in conventional cotton on purpose. In case of a failed qualitative GMO test the quantitative GMO test allows us to check if the failure was due to contamination or not.
To apply for OEKO-TEX® certification, use the application form available on myOEKO-TEX®. For OEKO-TEX® RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS, complete the application form here.
The transaction of organic cotton is safeguarded by requiring facilities to obtain a transaction certificate and submit supporting documents, including OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON certificates and invoices. OEKO-TEX® maintains a secure database of transactions to prevent fraudulent activities.
OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON certification streamlines raw material verification, chain-of-custody, and supply chain transparency. Moreover, when coupled with OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT certified chemicals, it reduces testing costs and forms the foundation for OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN label, encompassing sustainability, social criteria, and supply chain transparency.
A general ban on the intentional use of PFAS in textiles, leather, apparel, and footwear has been implemented. Rigorous laboratory testing is conducted for the presence of PFAS in OEKO-TEX® certified products.
Please contact the seller or brand directly regarding complaints about products. OEKO-TEX® does not sell or manufacture products; we test and certify textile and leather products.